
National Car Care Month

Posted on April 24, 2016

almost everything these days. While National cheesecake day is important, there are other national days that help make remind you to drive safely on the the road and protect yourself and those around you.

April is national car care month, the month where the season has almost officially changed from winter to spring; cold and warm days mixed with rain showers. It is important to make sure that your car is in tip top condition to handle the new changes that the season brings. Check your car from all the wear and tear from the winter season. You may need new tires, windshield wipers, brake pads, and additional tire pressure. Check all of these to prevent accidents from occurring. Check all the fluids in the car like the power steering fluid and coolants. Not only are you helping your car be in the best shape to hit the road for summer travels, but you also could potentially save money by preventing trips to repair brakes or cracks in the windshield. You will not only be protecting yourself on the road, but helping others on the road to be safe.

If you do get in a car wreck make sure to contact us at Handy and Handy in Salt Lake City for all your questions and concerns on personal injury and car accidents.