How dangerous is truck driver fatigue?
Truck driving is a strenuous job. These workers often put off sleep and work extended shifts, so it’s natural when they feel fatigued. However natural it may be, this exhaustion can often impair performance and lead to accidents.Drowsy driving causes about 100,000 car accidents in the United States annually. Commercial trucks are the most...
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Traumatic brain injuries in children
In a recent blog, we covered the severity of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its symptoms. In this post, we wanted to focus specifically on what TBIs can do to our little ones.Knowing when to spot the symptoms of a TBI in a young child is important when they can’t communicate that they...
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Slip and Fall Injuries Are No Joke
When you think about slip and fall accidents, you might be picturing a banana peel and a pratt fall from a cartoon. In reality, slip and fall injuries are no joke. They account for over 1 million hospital visits each year. Slip and fall injuries are the leading cause of workers compensation claims and...
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What is a traumatic brain injury?
Car accidents can be dangerous for drivers and passengers. Even though there are airbags and other safety features designed to reduce impact for vehicle occupants, crash victims can still sustain serious injuries.One of the most common car accident injuries is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs typically result from a blow or jolt to...
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Dog Bites Can Result in Serious Diseases and High Medical Costs
Most people know that dog bites can cause serious injuries that are painful and can be extremely traumatic, but dog bites can also spread diseases that are extremely serious. We are all familiar with rabies and that is often a concern when someone is bitten by a dog (especially one that is feral and...
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Commercial truck accidents produce complicated legal claims
After a commercial truck accident, you may have a number of questions about what steps to take next. Depending on the nature of the accident and the injuries or damages you suffered, you may have grounds to file an injury claim against the responsible party. Unfortunately, while an injury claim addresses a victim’s needs...
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