

Lost Wages: An additional cost of motor vehicle accidents

Posted on September 11, 2017
Most people who are injured in an motor vehicle accident are aware of the costs associated with medical treatment. But an additional cost that is not always considered is lost wages as result of the injury. When a person sustains an injury they may encounter lost wages because they were unable to work during...
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4 emotional issues you could experience after a car accident

Posted on March 14, 2017
You’re heading home from a long day at the office, driving in rush hour traffic, when someone tries to run a red light – everyone’s in a hurry at 5:30 – and hits your car. Your physical injuries are significant, but they’ll heal.While you may deserve compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering,...
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Why You Shouldn’t Walk Away After Being Hit By a Car While Cycling

Posted on February 9, 2017
Every morning before work, you wake up to log some miles on your road bike. You have been training for the last few months for the annual century ride in the spring. Usually, traffic is not very heavy, so you have become a little too complacent about the risk of cycling every morning. Why...
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Slope Safety for Skiers and Snowboarders

Posted on February 9, 2017
Skiing and snowboarding are some of Utah’s most cherished recreational activities. But they can also be dangerous. Skiing and snowboarding accidents happen all the time, it’s just a part of the game. Sometimes, those accidents can cause injuries that are not your fault. In these cases, you may be entitled to some compensation. Handy...
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Accidents & Self Driving Cars

Posted on January 18, 2017
Imagine that you’re on a cross country road trip in your brand new self-driving car. It’s hour six with only two hours to go. You’ve been enjoying the scenery, maybe a book and pleasant conversation with your fellow passengers. Suddenly, a large deer crosses your path and the vehicle’s brakes lock. Will you be...
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What to do if you are in an accident with a commercial truck

Posted on December 21, 2016
Winter driving in Utah can be nerve-wracking. No one wants to get into an accident, but they still happen. All too often, drivers suffer injuries in accidents with commercial trucks. In cases where a personal vehicle is struck by a large commercial truck, the potential for injury and property damage is higher.Semitrucks and 18-wheelers...
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