

Football And Brain Injuries

Posted on November 15, 2014
What you Should Consider Before PlayingFootball is one of the widest played sports in America. Millions of dollars are spent each year promoting the sport and from a young age kids start participating in the contact sport to hone their skills and likelihood of receiving scholarships to colleges around the nation. As your personal...
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Toy Recalls

Posted on November 5, 2014
Watch out for recalls!With Christmas just around the corner, people all over the country are out shopping for toys. While out shopping for these toys, often the last thing on someone’s minds is if the toys they are buying are meeting certain safety regulations. Recent studies however have found that there are more unsafe...
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Florida Judge Beats Up Public Defender

Posted on June 6, 2014
This video is pretty amazing. In fact, it’s an embarassment to the legal profession and I think the judiciary in particular. In this video, a Florida public defender is defending a man who apparently has been charged with assault and resisting arrest. The public defender refuses to waive his client’s right for a speedy...
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Ride Your Bike To Work – National Bike To Work Day

Posted on May 15, 2014
So this month is National Bike Month and this week is National Bike to Work Week and today is National Bike to Work Day! Many communities across the nation are taking advantage of National Bike to Work Week to promote commuting by bicycle. Of course, there are lots of reasons to encourage cycling to...
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Arbitration For Utah Dog Bite Cases

Posted on May 13, 2014
As a result of the recent 2014 Utah legistaltive session several new laws will take effect that will have an impact on public safety and tort law in general. In particular, we’re looking forward to HB287 which provides for arbitration in dog bite cases. This law is very similar to the successful arbitration statute...
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Changes To Utah’S Distracted Driver Law

Posted on May 12, 2014
Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, Utah’s new amendments to the Distracted Driving law will take effect. Over the past several week there have been various news stories, but I’m not sure that everyone is aware of the changes. The new changes place restrictions on the use of a “handheld wireless communication device” while driving a car....
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