Lyft Is Coming To Salt Lake City
I’ve previously written about the various ride-sharing services, including Lyft, Sidecar, Uber, and car2go. Until now, I have not been aware of any of these services being available in Salt Lake City. That’s about to change with the launch of Lyft in Salt Lake City – apparently happening sometime this month. Even a Salt...
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Wear A Proper Helmet
This may be obvious to some, but it’s important that your helmet meets proper safety criteria. Whether you wear a helmet for for riding motorcycles, bikes, skateboarding, or skiing, it’s critical that you use a helmet that will perform properly in the event of a crash.The U.S. Department of Transportation has set forth standards...
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Car Seat Safety
You’ve probably seen the billboards with the line-up of car seats and boosters, like the one pictured above, asking if your child is in the right one. As a father of four small children, I have seen the billboards but didn’t go to the website until recently.Although most parents are aware their baby cannot...
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New Motorcycle Safety Initiative
Last week, the Utah Department of Public Safety released the statistics for motorcycle accidents and crashes in Utah for 2013. Unfortunately, the statistics are not much better than 2012 with only one fewer death in 2013.In an effort to save lives, the DPS is urging motorcyclists to equip themselves so there will be fewer...
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Beginning In 2018: Rear-View Cameras Required
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, beginning in 2018 all new vehicles will be required to have “rear visibility technology” – or, a rear view camera. This is a “no-brainer.” In fact, I’m surprised that it has taken this long to get such a rule. In the words of NHTSA Acting Administrator...
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Why You Need A Personal Injury Attorney
Imagine yourself being the victim of a poor driver, work accident, or dog bite. Think about having to deal with pain, medical bills, and time spent off of work, not to mention having to stress over the paperwork and details from the insurance company. Obtaining the the money that you deserve and need is...
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