Hit & Run Deaths On The Rise
A few weeks ago I posted about Motor Vehicle Deaths being on the decline. In contrast, I recently heard aNPR story which reported on the nationwide increase in the number of hit and run deaths involvingpedestrians and cyclists. NPR cited a study by the National Highway Traffic & Safety Administration as evidence of this...
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Dec Personal Injury Protection – Pip
All Utah auto insurance policies must carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. Unless you have been injured in a car accident, you may not understand how PIP works. I deal with PIP every day and I find that many of my clients are surprised to learn that their own auto insurance company will pay...
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Lawyers I Admire: Abraham Lincoln
I often get compliments on this portrait of Abraham Lincoln that hangs in my office. And considering that Lincoln is a hot topic right now with the recent release of the Lincoln movie, I thought it a good time to share some of my thoughts about Lincoln and this portrait in particular.In fact, I...
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Upcoming Book Review: Unsafe At Any Speed
For many, Ralph Nader is the quadrennial third-party/independent presidential candidate. For others, he’s the man who cost Al Gore the election in 2000 (or it was the Supreme Court, depending on what side you’re on). For decades before that, he was a consumer advocate who came on the scene with his 1965 book, Unsafe...
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Does The Punishment Fit The Crime?
In many of the auto accident injury cases that I handle clients sometimes tell me they are looking for “justice.” They may have been hit by a drunk driver or a texting teenager. My client wants to make sure the wrongdoer is held accountable. I do my best to make sure my clients feel...
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Nov Underinsured Motorist Coverage
CAR WRECK ATTORNEY INSIGHTS: UNDERINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGEOften when I discuss insurance coverage with my clients, I hear them say things like, “Don’t worry, I have full coverage.” For a car wreck attorney, this doesn’t begin to answer the question. I’m more interested in knowing how much insurance coverage you have. Particularly, one of the...
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