

Is There a Pattern of Abuse of Power With Police Dogs In Salt Lake City?

Posted on October 21, 2020
Dogs are considered man’s best friend, but they are not only used to serve as a companion in the home. Dogs are also used in a working capacity, whether it is as a guide, emotional support or in law enforcement. This means that canines are trained to act and behave in certain ways in...
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Can deer season threaten drivers?

Posted on October 8, 2020
Recreational hunters think of the fall as the sporting season. Open game for deer is an exciting time and a way of keeping the deer population under control. The deer population can also impact the safety of the roads.Over 40% of car accidents happen between October and December, with the bulk of accidents occurring in November....
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What are some common causes of motorcycle accidents?

Posted on October 6, 2020
Utah motorcyclists may be using the last of the pleasant weather before winter sets in to take to the streets on their bikes. While motorcycling can be a fun hobby and an efficient means of travel, it is also dangerous when a negligent driver strikes a motorcyclist, causing serious injuries or fatalities. The following...
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5 Delayed symptoms you could experience after an accident

Posted on September 14, 2020
Vehicle accidents are events that nobody should take lightly, even those that seem minor like a fender bender. Depending on where the vehicle is hit, at what angle, and how their bodies are tossed, it can culminate into minor or severe injuries and sometimes even death. It’s the severe injuries that receive the headlines,...
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Driver leaves scene after fatally injuring pedestrian

Posted on September 8, 2020
The sudden anxiety that afflicts a person after they have had a traumatic experience, such as striking another vehicle or a pedestrian with their car, can produce all kinds of erratic behavior. In many cases, this behavior can create significant legal problems for the actor, as demonstrated by a recent pedestrian fatality in Salt...
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Reviewing the dangers of eating and drinking while driving

Posted on August 13, 2020
Most people in Salt Lake City might assume that the conversation surrounding distracted driving begins and ends with cell phone use. Indeed, all of the attention directed towards the dangers of texting while driving may make it seem as though that is the only distraction drivers engage in, yet in reality, there are a...
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