Does your insurance cover electronic scooter accidents?
As electronic scooters grow in popularity, so have scooted-related accidents. Falling injuries, traffic accidents and fatalities are all linked to scooters.Unfortunately, most riders are unaware that they are opening themselves up to liability when they get on a scooter. Lucian McMahon, senior research specialist for the Insurance Information Institute, told the Associated Press that...
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Distracted driving: A big threat to Utah motorcyclists
There are many safety dangers that motorcyclists can face here in Utah. These hazards can have tragic consequences. Sadly, Utah’s roads have been a particularly deadly place for motorcyclists in recent years. According to the Utah Highway Patrol, motorcycle accident fatalities have been on the increase in the state.Among the things that can create...
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Distracted Driving: It Can Wait
Have you taken the pledge to drive distraction free? Distracted drivers have claimed more than 20,000 lives between 2012 and 2017. Using a cell phone is one of the most common and most dangerous distractions when driving. However, anything that pulls your hands from the steering wheel, your eyes from the road, or your...
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Are women less safe while driving a car?
Men and women get into the driver’s seat every day to go to work, run errands, pick up their kids, take road trips and so much more. When car manufacturers implement safety features, you would expect they take all drivers into consideration.Unfortunately, the history of automobile safety testing has skewed toward male drivers. The...
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Who is liable if a dog bites?
Dogs are often called “man’s best friend,” so most people assume every canine is friendly. However, some dogs are scared due to previous abuse or feel threatened even when one doesn’t exist, and it can cause them to lash out in the only way they know how: biting. A dog bite can cause serious...
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Can You Be Ticketed For Not Wearing Your Corrective Lenses While Driving?
Did you know that if you have a corrective lens restriction on your driver’s license you will be ticketed if you are pulled over and are not wearing your glasses or contacts? In fact, in some states, you might even face time in jail. To find out your state regulations for wearing glasses or...
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