Pedestrian Safety: Do You Know How to Protect Yourself?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2017 an average of one person was killed every 88 minutes in an auto-pedestrian accident. This was a 1.7 percent decrease from the previous year but that still amounts to 5,977 deaths.The NHTSA has put together ten suggestions to help you do all that...
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Study shows higher speed limits lead to increased deaths
Cars that are moving at a faster speed can make a larger impact during an accident, which can lead to fatalities. New research shows speed limits that enable this driving behavior increase motorists’ risk of traffic deaths.The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that for every 5 mph increase in a highway’s speed...
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Does Your Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Trampolines?
Thinking of buying a trampoline this summer? Here’s what you need to know about your insurance coverage. Trampoline injuries are extremely common, nearly 100,000 injuries per year on average. The frequency of occurrence and high costs related to these type of injuries have resulted in many insurance companies refusing to cover trampoline injuries. So...
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Who is responsible for a drunk driver?
When someone chooses to get behind the wheel after drinking, they have made a choice that puts other lives at risk. They should be held accountable if they cause an accident.However, Utah offers options for accident victims to seek compensation from other parties who may also be responsible for the accident. Someone who supplies...
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How dangerous is truck driver fatigue?
Truck driving is a strenuous job. These workers often put off sleep and work extended shifts, so it’s natural when they feel fatigued. However natural it may be, this exhaustion can often impair performance and lead to accidents.Drowsy driving causes about 100,000 car accidents in the United States annually. Commercial trucks are the most...
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Traumatic brain injuries in children
In a recent blog, we covered the severity of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its symptoms. In this post, we wanted to focus specifically on what TBIs can do to our little ones.Knowing when to spot the symptoms of a TBI in a young child is important when they can’t communicate that they...
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