Which Time of Year Has The Most Car Accidents?
Driving always has the potential to be dangerous, but some times of the year are more dangerous to drive than others. There are some periods that are noticeably more dangerous, but what time of the year is the most dangerous? Summer and winter both seem to have a leading-edge, but for different reasons. Wintertime Dangers...
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Liability For Slip and Fall Accidents and Help For Victims
Victims of slip and fall accidents can be seriously injured in a fall in the ice and snow in a parking lot or sidewalk but victims can also be injured in slip and fall accidents year round. It is important for victims to be familiar with the legal protections available to help them when...
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What is Modified Comparative Negligence Law In Utah?
Utah drivers know that motor vehicle accidents can occur unexpectedly, and many times there is no clear way to determine who or what exactly caused the accident. The unfortunate reality is that sometimes both drivers were at fault, and the question then becomes, who pays for what? Anyone who has been involved in a...
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Building a personal injury claim after a spinal cord injury
Personal injury accidents deprive Utah residents of many pleasures. An injury can steal away someone’s ability to live pain-free, or their ability to participate in their job or favorite activities. In some cases, an injury can rob a victim of their ability to function or move as intended. Spinal cord injuries are catastrophic injuries...
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Skiing collisions and falls can cause serious injuries
Skiing is a fun winter activity that allows people to enjoy fresh air, sunshine and outdoor exercise. However, skiers can suffer serious injuries caused by collisions and falls, resulting in significant medical expenses.CollisionsSkier collisions can occur when one skier does not yield to others on the trail, when he or she is traveling too...
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Auto accidents on the rise in Utah and across the U.S.
Auto accidents are a common cause for unexpected injuries and fatalities in Utah and throughout the United States. There are many catalysts for a crash including speeding, reckless driving, negligence, distracted driving, drivers who are under the influence and drowsy driving. Federal and local governments track these collisions to determine how and why they...
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